What are clauses of reason? They explain why something happens. They’re introduced by conjunctions like because, as, or since, or by noun phrases like because of, due to, owing to, or on account of.


because + clause (add comma when the clause of reason is at the beginning)


  • We didn’t go because it was raining heavily.
  • Because the event was cancelled, they lost their deposits.

As, Since

as / since + clause (more formal in writing)


  • The government urged people to stay indoors since more rain is forecast for the entire weekend.
  • As the roads were blocked, the victims had to be rescued by helicopter.

Because of, Due to, Owing to, On account of

  • because of + noun (less formal)
  • due to / owing to / on account of + noun (more formal)


  • The concert was postponed because of the heavy rain.
  • The event was cancelled due to lack of interest
  • I couldn’t enjoy the meal owing to their constant arguing.
  • We bought this house partly on account of the big shed in the back garden.
