Intransitive phrasal verb

An intransitive phrasal verb doesn’t require any direct object to complete its meaning. For example:

  • He slept.
  • She laughed.
  • They danced.

Transitive phrasal verb

A transitive phrasal verb requires an object to complete its meaning. For example:

  • She turned off the TV.
  • You put it on.
  • I took them off.

Separable and Inseparable

Some transitive phrasal verbs can have the object between the verb and the particle, or after the particle. For example:

  • She turned off the TV. ✅
  • She turned the TV off. ✅

Some transitive phrasal verbs can only have the object after the particle, especially when the object is a pronoun.

  • He explained the problem to me. ✅
  • He explained me the problem. ❌

When we replace the object with a pronoun, we must place the pronoun between the verb and the particle.

  • You put it on. ✅
  • You put on it. ❌
  • I took them off. ✅
  • I took off them. ❌
