What are participle clauses? Participle clauses, commonly found in written English, offer a concise way to convey information. They can be formed using three types of participles: present (e.g., going, reading), past (e.g., gone, read), and perfect (e.g., having gone, having read).

Present Participle Clauses

They can describe an action related to the main verb’s action. This action can be either happening at the same time as the main verb or having begun in the past and still continuing.


  • The bomb exploded, destroying the building.
  • Knowing she loved reading, Richard bought her a book.
  • Standing in the queue, I realized I didn’t have any money.
  • Starting in the new year, the new policy bans cars in the city center.
  • Being such a great singer, she didn’t have problems to find a job.
  • Talking to you I always feel better.
  • Walking quickly I soon caught up with him.

Past Participle Clauses

They provide additional information about the subject in the main clause.


  • Filled with pride, he walked toward the stage.
  • Worried by the news, she called the hospital.
  • Found in a litter bin, the briefcase contained classified information.
  • Impressed by the painting, John praised the artist.
  • Founded 20 years ago, the company has received many awards.
  • Located in the city centre, the bar is very popular among tourists.

Perfect Participle Clauses

They signal that the action they describe happened before the main clause’s action.


  • Having got dressed, he slowly went downstairs.
  • Having finished their training, they will be fully qualified doctors.
  • Having lost all the games, he felt depressed.
  • Not having eaten for hours, I was desperate to find a restaurant.
  • Having been made redundant, she started looking for a new job.
  • Having been unemployed for so long, he felt he would never find a job

Common Pitfalls

For a participle clause to function correctly, the subject of both the participle and the main verb must be the same.

  • Mixing it with soda, the cocktail tastes even better. ❌ (The subjects are different.)
  • Mixed with soda, the cocktail tastes even better. ✅ (Same subject)
  • Watering them at night, the plants live longer. ❌
  • Watered at night, the plants live longer. ✅
